Five Questions with John Keegan, Director - Overseeing Investor Relations/Capital Raising and The Shelborne


John KeeganWho has been a big source of inspiration in your life?

There is not really a single source, I enjoy reading biographies about interesting/entrepreneurial people, the top two that I have got most from are property entrepreneur Sam Zell and Globalist Peter Sutherland. Both inspirational leaders in their own fields.

What is a valuable lesson you’ve learned over this past year?

That in abnormal and turbulent times good people really show their worth, this was evident in the staff we have at the Shelbourne Hotel who have navigated their way through a second year of Covid protocols and closures.   

If you had an extra two hours of free time each day how would you choose to spend that time, and why?

The first hour would be collecting my kids (aged 7,5 and 3) from school and hearing about their days is always interesting, really entertaining and very funny. The second hour would be spent trying to get back some sort of golf game, my last few outings have been shocking and I just received my club subscription fee for 2022!   

What advice would you give to a younger person interested in your role at Kennedy Wilson?

Be confident but not cocky, show a willingness to get involved, communicate succinctly, be prepared and try to have fun!!    

Was there an extracurricular you excelled at when you were growing up? Are you still doing that activity today?

I played a lot of tennis growing up and was a good club player. However over the last few years taking time out to travel, start a family and work commitments took priority. Luckily my kids started playing recently so we joined the local tennis club as a family. My first few games were a little rusty and not sure I’ll win the club championship….until next year!!